Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Congratulations Alicia!

Congrats to Baby Alicia, my younger daughter, on her graduation with a BS in Business Management / Entrepreneurship from Missouri Western.

At this point, she and hubby Josh are beginning the process of relocating to Silverthorne, Colorado where Alicia will operate their own Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. Josh, a mechanical engineer who is now working in St. Joseph, Missouri, will be looking for a new job out there and this may be tough, so keep him in your prayers.

My main concern is how is Buster, their wiener dog, going to do in all that snow? His little short legs! His little shivering long body! His being so far away from home!!!


Sierra said...

:) haha, i bet buster will love it!
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you."

Donna Roberts said...

I think Buster needs a brother! And for a wedding present for you, little neice, how about a hotdog??? We could get all our longdogs together for a parade if you had one or two or three of them too?!?!?!?

Alicia Gerrels said...

So glad we didn't go to Colorado!! Poor Buster... if only he didn't want to bite little kids. Two new dogs and a kid and a half later here's my comment to this blog post!